The following steps will be taken to encourage children to grow in self-esteem, self-control, and self-direction.

  • The teacher will set clear, fair and consistent limits for the children.
  • The teacher will help children in conflict resolution through modeling skills and problem-solving techniques.
  • The teacher will use brief, firm, and positive verbal guidance as a discipline method.
  • The teacher will use the “do” technique instead of the “don’t” do technique. For example, the childcare provider should tell the child to “keep the puzzle on the table” instead of “don’t dump the puzzle pieces on the floor”, “wipe your brush on the jar” instead of “don’t drip paint on the floor”, or “turn the pages carefully” instead of “don’t tear the book”.


If the child is having a disruptive or dangerous behavior that compromise the well-being of another child or everyone else in the classroom, he/she will be ask or redirect to go to an area that is away from the other children. This alternative will be only use to help the child to learn how to gain control of his or her own behavior.

  • The teacher will explain to the child that this time is to be used to calm down and think.
  • We will tell the child that after he or she has calmed down to call the teacher over when he/she is ready to talk.
  • The teacher will ask the child to tell her what a better way of handling the situation would be.
  • If the child has trouble coming up with solution, help by asking questions or by offering suggestions.
  • When the child comes up with an appropriate solution, either by himself or with the caregiver help, he/she will rejoin the play.


More importantly children will be provided with many opportunities to explore their own interests and needs, to play and interact with other children, as well as to share in teacher-directed activities.